
 With great regret I have decided not to aim for John o Groats . Yesterday the walk from Boscastle to Bude  was extremely hard . There was hill after hill I was not enjoying it with the weight of my back pac.

This was just a couple of them. As in the movie Dirty Harry Clint Eastwood pointed a colt 45 to a guys head and said every man should know his limitation well I agree now I know mine. I accept my failings and move on. So I have decided to bus to Exeter and train ride to Bath have a night or two there then walk the Cotswold way. This walk is suppose to be a bit more forgiving. Cornwall is beautiful I walked most of the walk I guess I just did not prepare myself as much as I should. My biggest draw back is the weight of my rucksack it feels ok on the flat but climbing hill that is more like mountain climbing than trail walking is another thing. I still intend to do a blog of my travels sorry about John o Groats but my health comes first. Thank you to all who donated towards my charity. Love you all x


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